Security reference number (SRN) is a distinct number assigned to identify the ASX listed shares owned by an investor in an entity. For different companies in which the investors own shares, they have different SRN numbers to trade them on ASX.
0R15 9025.0 0.0% 0R1E 9410.0 0.0% 0M69 None None% 0R2V 247.99 9682.643% 0QYR 1567.5 0.0% 0QYP 439.3701 -2.9016% 0RUK None None% 0RYA 1597.0 1.2682% 0RIH 195.55 0.0% 0RIH 191.4 -2.1222% 0R1O 225.5 9683.0803% 0R1O None None% 0QFP 10475.8496 107.8542% 0M2Z 252.573 0.2373% 0VSO 33.0 -7.3164% 0R1I None None% 0QZI 622.0 0.0% 0QZ0 220.0 0.0% 0NZF None None% 0YXG 222.05 -4.1318%
Security reference number (SRN) is a distinct number assigned to identify the ASX listed shares owned by an investor in an entity. For different companies in which the investors own shares, they have different SRN numbers to trade them on ASX.