0R15 9504.0 -3.5714% 0R1E None None% 0M69 None None% 0R2V 244.0 1.0352% 0QYR 1830.0 2.5785% 0QYP 406.0 -0.8547% 0RUK None None% 0RYA 1692.0 -0.7042% 0RIH 187.25 0.0% 0RIH 187.25 1.6007% 0R1O 228.5 9988.3002% 0R1O None None% 0QFP 5040.0 0.0% 0M2Z 258.7974 0.057% 0VSO 44.18 24.0837% 0R1I None None% 0QZI 737.0 0.0% 0QZ0 220.0 0.0% 0NZF 1007.4565 102.1381% 0YXG 234.3429 1.0594%

Resources Report

The Resource Report focuses on the UK-listed Companies in mining space, oil & gas production, and energy equipment services. Growing demand for renewable energy sources may provide long-term opportunities.

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  • With sharp rally in crude oil price, energy stocks benefited during the market meltdown.
  • Increasing metal prices due to supply shortage and spurt in demand particularly in Asia uplifted mining sector in Australia.
  • Meticulus stock selection with recurring revenue model and adqeaute liquity backing the expansion plans are targeted.
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Key Reasons to consider

Global Factors

Global market factors should be considered while screening the stock, which can influence the prices of the relevant resources (such as oil, gas, copper, gold, silver, zinc, iron ore, platinum, among others).

Growth Catalysts

Capex level, production assessment, leverage scenario, drilling permit, government or macro implications need to be considered while selecting appropriate resources stock.

Diversified Portfolio

This report provides a diverse selection of stocks encompassing refineries, oil & gas exploration companies, diversified metals, etc.

Kalkine Resources Report

GBP 360/Year

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