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World news

Knighthoods for university chief, construction boss and finance expert

A university principal has said he is “honoured” to be one of three people in Scotland receiving knighthoods in the New Year Honours list.

Professor Peter Mathieson, principal and vice-chancellor of the University of Edinburgh, is knighted for services to higher education.

He has held the role since February 2018 and before that was the 15th president of the University of Hong Kong between April 2014 and January 2018.

William Robertson of the Robertson Group and finance expert Norman Keith Skeoch are also knighted.

Professor Mathieson said he is “honoured and flattered” to receive the knighthood, which came as a surprise.

He told the PA news agency: “When I got the message about a month ago my reaction was just to wish my mother was still alive, because I would have liked her to have seen the day.

“I come from an ordinary background and she was always proud and following my career and whatnot, so I think this would have been a pleasure for her.”

He added: “I do see it as recognition of the standing of the university. I’m privileged to lead one of the world’s great universities and we’ve got a quarter of a million alumni around the world and almost 50,000 students.

“I feel there’s a big community and I think it’s a recognition of the standing of the university in society within the world and I’m very proud of the university, proud to be its principal.”

Professor Mathieson, 63, went to a state grammar school in Penzance, Cornwall, and was the first member of his family to go to university.

The father-of-two studied medicine at the London Hospital Medical College and in 1983 qualified with first class honours from the University of London.

He held junior medical posts in London before obtaining a research training fellowship from the Medical Research Council (MRC) to study at the University of Cambridge and was awarded a PhD by that university in 1992.

The 63-year-old became director of studies for clinical medicine at Christ’s College, Cambridge following his PhD and moved to Bristol in 1995 as the foundation Professor of Renal Medicine at the University of Bristol and Honorary Consultant Nephrologist, North Bristol NHS Trust.

He held a variety of posts at the university and NHS trust over the years and remains an Honorary Professor of Medicine at the University of Bristol.

William Robertson is knighted for services to the construction industry and to charity in Scotland.

He founded Robertson Group in Elgin, Moray, in 1966 and is executive chairman of the company, which is a family-owned construction, infrastructure and support services business. He is also a past president of the Scottish Builders Federation.

Norman Keith Skeoch, known as Keith Skeoch, receives a knighthood for services to the financial sector.

Mr Skeoch, of Edinburgh, was previously chief executive of Standard Life Aberdeen.

He was chairman of the Investment Association and chaired the Ring Fencing and Proprietary Trading Review set up by the UK Government.

His current roles include being chairman of the Edinburgh International Festival board.

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