0R15 8405.0 2.55% 0R1E 7673.0 1.5081% 0M69 18589.7598 47.655% 0R2V 223.4 10008.5973% 0QYR 1241.5 2.5186% 0QYP 436.27 0.9884% 0RUK None None% 0RYA 1392.0 4.6617% 0RIH 159.25 0.0% 0RIH 162.3 1.9152% 0R1O 189.56 10050.4685% 0R1O None None% 0QFP 10725.5898 112.8093% 0M2Z 265.6349 -0.1935% 0VSO 27.73 -22.1177% 0R1I None None% 0QZI 536.0 0.0% 0QZ0 220.0 0.0% 0NZF None None% 0YXG 164.56 1.0771%

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